I was a bit worried about taking Ria out after her ordeal, but really I don’t think she’d run anywhere as long as I’m in sight, and she’d always let me catch her. She just doesn’t want other people getting too close, and I have to work on that. There was a two-day adoption drive at a mall, and I just took Duncan the first day and decided to see about taking Ria the second day. After the first day, another puppy named Dot Dot stayed overnight since his fosterer lived out of town. Ria had fun with her and Duncan.

On the second day, Ria went to the drive and was happy in a playpen with other puppies. She was quiet there most of the time, but jumped up excitedly with a big smile whenever I was near. At least people got to see her smile, although she backed away when they tried to pet her.

As usual, most people were interested in the younger puppies. A few asked about Ria’s story, but no one was seriously interested in her. Duncan got adopted, so I was down to five dogs at home, a manageable number! Four other puppies there found homes too (including Dot Dot), so overall it was a good weekend. Ria was exhausted after the long day.

RIA has a smile that lights up the world😄 She really is flourishing under your care…. among huge strides.
Congrats on getting the other puppers adopted. You are truly a Saint to all the dogs you are helping be their best self.
Thanks for the update AND the precious pictures.
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Dang it is just so hard to believe she gets overlooked. Her person is out there somewhere!
LOVE those photos. She makes my heart so happy! Thank you for helping her be the dog that she was born to be, such a good girl.